Saturday, June 15, 2024

Not Enough Time

I wish there were two of me. Identical twins who can finish each other’s sentences and know what the other one is thinking.

That way, maybe I could get some things done.

I’m not sure how I got myself in this predicament. There for a long time, I was over-busy arranging my hubby’s doctor appointments and seeing that he got to them, that he had his medicines, that he had food to eat… in other words, I was his caregiver.

Then, suddenly, I started having my own health issues, and I was juggling appointments for both of us, researching my new diet, keeping track of my own medicines… I was now caregiver to both of us.

Consequently, I didn’t get much business or writing done. Oh, if I had an odd hour free in any given day, I would edit a chapter or two of a book that was waiting to be published. In the evenings, I would try to write. For the most part, writing was the only pleasure I had.

Then I discovered online classes, called challenges. They involved watching a short video (under 10 minutes) and following the simple instructions. Homework probably took 10 minutes or less to complete. I was very happy with the results of the first one I took, and it only lasted 5 days.

Then I signed up for a 2nd one, which sounded even more intriguing than the first had. I think that’s where I made my mistake.

This challenge lasts for 5 weeks, with new videos to watch each week, and new homework to do by the end of the week. And it wasn’t just 1 video to watch, but multiples. If you have to watch 7 or 8 videos at the beginning of the week, that time adds up, even if most of them are under 10 minutes. And then there’s bonus videos to watch, at an hour or two a pop. There were Q&A sessions (2 hours ea) every Thursday afternoon, which I never got to join because of doctor appointments. Deep into week 3, I am now behind on watching 3 Q&A sessions. This challenge is sucking up every spare moment I’ve got and demanding more.

I’ve thought about quitting the challenge. But I really want to learn the subject!

It’s only 3 more weeks. (We get a few extra days at the end to catch up.) So I guess I’ll keep doing the best I can. Maybe I don’t need those Q&A sessions, or the hour-long bonus videos.

I’ve got a book I’ve been trying to get published for the last 2 weeks. Maybe, when we get back from our appointments tomorrow, I will publish it before I return to working on this week’s challenge.


Big Sale Coming!

MoonPhaze is excited to announce that most of our books will be available as part of a promotion on Smashwords for the month of July as part of their Annual Summer/Winter Sale! This is a chance to get our books, along with books from many other great authors, at a discount so you can get right to reading.

You will find the promo here starting on July 1, so save the link:

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Happy reading!

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