Thursday, May 19, 2022

What I Did This Week

What a relief to be Not Sick any more! I have been running errands as needed, calling people as needed, surfing the internet when needed... I even managed to get out and do some yardwork this week! Not nearly as much as I'll need to get done next week, but hey, I got started on it.

I started writing a new book. Always a favorite activity!

And, of course, I had projects to do for my big new publicity push I'm trying to get done.

I did find myself taking naps during the day, an hour here, another hour there. I sleep well at night, so I shouldn't need naps. Then I noticed that those naps always seemed to happen on days when I was concentrating on those projects. I mean, more than 2 hours at a time, because after 2 hours, I was ready for a nap.

I love writing. I truly don't mind editing. But formatting a manuscript is a mind-numbing, tedious, hellish activity to do for any length of time. After 2 hours, I am yawning continuously and can't keep my eyes open. So I stumble off and take a nap. Only to get up again and put in another 2 hours of formatting.

But it has to be done. I had started by adding new back matter to all of John's books. And in doing so, I realized that some of them had not been justified when I originally formatted them and published them. So, now that's what I'm doing, going through and justifying all the text.

It doesn't help when you start finding little mistakes that snuck through all the editing I'd done. A hyphen that doesn't belong there. An en dash that should be an em dash. A major character's name that changes its spelling (by one letter) halfway through the book and then starts switching back and forth during the last quarter of the book.

Ugh! How did I miss those things?

Well, because I'm only human.

And I'm still human, even when I'm Not Sick. 

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