Saturday, May 14, 2022

Back to the Old Grind

 Well, I'm back to not having enough time in the day to get things done, so I must be well on my way to recovery.

Back when I was sick with covid, I didn't care what or how much wasn't getting done. With both of us sick, no one was up to doing any cooking, and we pretty much survived on bananas and soda pop for 2-3 days. We slept when we wanted to, which was a lot. Took tylenol when we had a fever and tried to drink lots of water. Which is what you're supposed to do when you have a cold. But of course, this wasn't a cold, even though it felt like a nasty cold. If we hadn't been retired, we wouldn't have been allowed to go to work.

So, for the first time since I was a child, I allowed myself to be sick. Can't get my blogs posted? Okay, the world won't end. Can't work on getting books ready to be re-published? Well, with your brain fog, you'd probably make more mistakes than you'd fix, so just set it aside until you feel better.

As soon as Hubby started to feel better, he decided it was time to clean house. And I don't mean just run the vacuum and call it done. After 2 days of sorting and cleaning, we had 7 or 8 sacks of stuff to donate, including 5 pairs of jeans I'd forgotten about and which were now too big for me. Of course, we couldn't donate until we were out of quarantine, but it felt good to get them packaged up and ready to go.

About mid-way through quarantine, I started spending an hour in the evening—which is usually when I write—working on the first of those books I was updating. It was slow going, but I got a little faster with each evening that I worked on it. I dreamed of finishing it up last night, but... I hit a problem when I was inserting bookmarks to produce a Table of Contents. So I set it aside and went to bed, intending to tackle that problem today.

Now, here it is, half-way through the afternoon, and I haven't tackled that problem yet. Too many other things intruded in my day, needing my attention. Little things, big things, some things I haven't looked at in 3 weeks, so they've started howling pretty loudly to get my attention.

Time to get back to work.

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