Saturday, January 1, 2022

Italian Cruise 2021 - Day 8

Saturday, 10/23 - Day at Sea

At last! A day with no excursions as the ship made its way back to Barcelona. We could sleep in!

Well, not really, because this was the day they were giving people a covid test so they would have the (hopefully negative) results to get on their planes to go home. And although we weren't scheduled for that until 10 AM, we got up about 7 so as not to miss our place in line.

I don't remember where we had breakfast, or what we had. I continually felt like I had to hurry and get to the theater, and then I would remember that there were no excursions. By comparison, taking the test was easy, no last-minute cramming to get the answers right. We were told the results would be sent to our cabin that evening.

John wanted to read, but knew from experience that the library/computer space was too noisy for him to get any reading done there. I have a little better luck blocking out noise when I'm writing, so I went to the library to try to get caught up on these blogs. Alas, the library was awash in people panicing over getting their e-paperwork ready for Spain, and the (at this point, 2!) computer specialists were loudly and repeatedly explaining that the website didn't work, hadn't worked for weeks, that Spain was aware it wasn't working, and noone would be asking us for that paperwork this time. Even I had trouble thinking in that madhouse.

So when John came to tell me he had found a quiet place on an upper deck, I grabbed my laptop and followed him there. It was much quieter than the library, but I had to pick and choose what table to sit out, so I didn't get a bunch of glare off my screen. But we spent a couple hours there, each doing our own thing, until we decided to go have lunch.

We ate at the Irish pub in the casino. John had enjoyed the Korean wings so much the first time, he repeated it. I had had their corned beef stew during our first visit, and opted for something else, possibly a hot dog. I really can't remember.

In the afternoon, we spent some time in the hot tub. Okay, in the warm tub. We hadn't found a 'hot tub' during the entire trip that was actually hot. Disappointing, but not enough to make us decide not to do it.

Eventually, we wandered back to our cabin and packed our bags. New tags had arrived for us to use, and we had to get the luggage out into the hall by a certain time.

We were one of the first people scheduled to get off in the morning. In order to have time to eat, we had to get up by 5:30 AM, which was 11:30 PM the night before in our hometown. So even though we weren't that tired that night, we were climbing into bed almost as soon as we finished supper.

We had a long day ahead of us.

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