Saturday, July 13, 2024

Found: Ancient South American Culture

Archaeologists have discovered evidence of a previously unknown ancient culture in Venezuela’s Canaima National Park, where they discovered 30 rock art sites dating back thousands of years.

Canaima National Park is huge, about the size of Belgium. It is made up of forests and mountainous terrain. The most famous feature is Angel Falls, the tallest waterfall in the world.

The park may have been where this culture first developed. Later, it may have moved on to the Amazon river, the Guianas and even southern Colombia, for all of these places house similar artwork to the newly found example in Venezuela. Similar artwork in Brazil has been dated to 4,000 years ago, but the newly discovered artwork may be even older.

The newly discovered pictograms and petroglyphs include depictions of leaves and stick figure drawings of people, star-shaped patterns and other geometric designs. It is thought that the images had a ritual meaning, and may have been related to birth, diseases, or prosperous hunting.

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