Thursday, August 11, 2022

Why Jupiter Has No Rings

The title is false, Jupiter does have rings, but they are so thin, they are very hard to see, even in the best of conditions.

But why does Jupiter not have big, beautiful rings like Saturn? A recent article I read said Jupiter's moons are to blame. If it didn't have all those giant moons, it would have rings much bigger and more spectacular than Saturn's.

A new study says that giant moons destroy rings before they have a chance to form. And the Galilean moons of Jupiter, one of which is the largest moon in the solar system, seem to be good at it. Therefore, it is unlikely Jupiter ever had large rings at any point.

Massive planets form massive moons, which prevent them from having substantial rings.

Well, I thought the article had more to it than that, but that seems to be the sum total of it.

In a 'related' video, which I didn't watch for lack of time, the headline said Jupiter may have 'eaten' some sibling planets while it was growing. That sound interesting, so I'll keep my eyes open for more on that, but I suspect it will be as thin as Jupiter's rings.

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