Saturday, March 26, 2022

That 3rd Thing

So, I've been waiting all week for that 3rd 'awful' thing to happen.

A cold? A flat tire? Forgetting something important when I went to the store? There's no telling what it would be.

I finally decided that it HAD happened, and I had barely noticed it.

I had 2 days when my stomach was unhappy and the small of my back felt tight, and I couldn't seem to focus on much of anything. We've all had those kinds of days where we're not quite there, right?

Well, I got up this morning feeling my normal self, and decided those 2 days were the 3rd 'bad' thing to happen. So now I can get back to being myself, doing things (whether I want to or not) and not have to be anticipating something awful happening.

If I count those 2 days as the 3rd thing, then I'm free and clear, with no impending doom hanging over my head!

Does it matter that I may have brought those 2 days on myself? That the day before, we went to the movies and I filled up on popcorn and pop. And then got more popcorn and pop to bring home with us? I'm not a spring chicken anymore, and too much of anything might have consequences. Well, that could at least explain the stomach that wasn't quite happy.

Okay, so maybe it was the item I forgot to get when I went for groceries. It was the 2nd time I'd forgotten it, because it never got written on my shopping list. Well, it's on my list now, so I shouldn't be forgetting it a 3rd time.

It's over, I tell you. My trials times 3 are done.

Until the next time something bad happens.

It's just an old wives' tale, anyway.

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