Thursday, February 10, 2022

It's Getting Closer

Only 10 days to SF Bartow.

How am I doing on getting ready?

Foam Head Display - We got the supplies we needed, but they've just been sitting in the garage, so far. Need to get out there and start cutting and drilling. Which means measuring the foam heads so we don't get them placed too close to each other. I don't have many power tools I use, so part of this will take the help of my husband. Maybe we can get out there and work on that tomorrow.

Foam Head Display - I took one of my small prosthetics off its display head and cleaned the make-up off it because the prosthetic is supposed to be metal, and white make-up just didn't look right. This is one of 2 cyborg prosthetics I offer, and I only have 1 or 2 copies of each one at this time, so I was going to make some new molds of these and a new design I've recently sculpted and make some out of watermelon plastic, that being the fastest way to make them. Today, I got a tile cleaned and ready to be used, and I melted some clay and poured it into the existing molds, which I placed in the freezer to get good and hard so I can just pop those suckers out in the morning. Then I need to 'glue' them onto the tile, build a wall around all of them and make the new molds. Then in a few days, after I've made some, I'll need to paint the cyborg prosthetics and get them packaged... except for the ones I put on the display heads, of course. Those need to be painted and glued.

Sale Signs - I spent about an hour this afternoon starting to make the SALE! signs for the table. Still got quite a long way to go with those.

Signs - I know where my 2 signs are. I know where the base is for the main one. I think I know where the pole is for it. I'd better rummage through the closet and make sure I find it. I also know where tape is, but it isn't yet packed for being taken. I know where the bungee cords are, but don't know if the Klingons will need them. Maybe I should go buy my own supply.

Okay, there's still time to do this, so no need to panic just yet. Just need to get off my duff and get to doing. Good thing I'm between editing projects right now.

Wish me luck.

PS. We are deep into constructing the foam head display. We are done cutting wood and just need to drill holes in the board we are using as a base. All the measuring for that has been done. As for the cyborg prosthetics, I have pulled the castings, and they look great, so I am making progress.

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