Saturday, April 25, 2020


If you think the name looks a lot like the name of the Aztec feathered god, you are right. the fossils of this winged reptile were named after that god. This type of pterosaur is the largest known example of flying animal. The artist’s rendition that was intended to give some clue as to size showed a standing quetzalcoatlus just as tall as a giraffe (with a neck just as long), and a wing span of about 36 feet (11 m). The human man in the picture was not quite as tall as the back legs were long.

As I read the article, I was reminded again and again of the ‘airplanes’ in the Flintstones cartoons, where a small cabin sat atop a huge flying reptile. Not very feasible, as even this huge creature would probably be able to carry only 2-3 humans on its back. And I don’t know if it could fly with that much extra weight.

The skeleton pictures showed a skull that was mostly beak, with a bony crest on the forehead, between the large eyes. It doesn’t have any teeth, and its wings are depicted as looking quite a bit like a bat’s wing. It is also depicted as folding its wings in half and possibly using its wings as support when standing or walking. Most of the known fossils of this creature were found in Texas.

Several feeding patterns have been suggested for the Quetzalcoatlus, but the most recent one is that they stalked small vertebrates while on the ground, similar to the modern stork.

There has been much argument among scientists about Quetzelcoatlus’ ability to fly. The latest thought is that they would use powered flight to get to a point where they could use thermal gliding. The wing muscles were found to be quite robust, which they would not be if the animal were purely a terrestrial animal.

There are potentially 2 species of Quetzelcoatlus. Measurements I’ve given are for the larger specie, there is possibly another specie that is about half as large.

So, if this extinct species comes back to life, that could make life difficult for the human population. While adults might be too large for the smaller Quetzelcoatlus to attack, children would probably be seen as ‘fair game’. And even adults might have to watch out if the larger variety is around.

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