Sunday, June 19, 2011

Origins of Atlans

On May 31, 2011, my first Atlan story was made available to the public through The title is “Origins of Atlans”, it can be found at It is a free download, and if you don’t have an e-reader, you can get a copy to read on your computer.

The Atlans are a race of women who have one of three hair colors (black, red, white), one of three eye colors (black, green, blue), one of three birthmarks (sword, heart, crescent moon), and one of 27 different mental powers. Why is everything in groups of three? Because according to their creation myth, their foremothers were the products of three of their gods. Therefore, each Atlan has the hair color, eye color and ‘mark’ of one of those gods. Sometimes all of their telltales were from one particular god, sometimes they were a mixture from all three. Even after the Atlans re-learned genetics, they didn’t try to explain how their foremothers had three parents. Those parents were gods, after all.

In Origins of Atlans, I tell the Atlan creation myth, and then show the factual details that gave rise to that myth. In this case, the legend really does have some kernels of truth hidden inside. But it’s also true that the details of a story eventually change when that story is told over and over again, generation to generation.

I would be tickled pink if you would take a moment to check out my story. It’s only 2,000 words, so it’s a fast read. If you like it, you can post a review on smashwords, tell your friends about it ... and keep your eyes open for more stories about the Atlans. We are working on getting two more ready, even as you read this.

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