Tuesday, August 3, 2010

After Life Intrudes

You hear about people who do their writing in 'stolen' moments – the lunch hour of their day job, the bus ride to and from their day job, half an hour after the kids go to bed. I used to be one of those, because I had a day job, a family that expected to be fed occasionally, a house that tended to get dirty when I wasn't looking. I did what I could when I could, and dreamed of the day when I could devote whole days to writing.

I'm still waiting.

I no longer have the day job, but other aspects of 'life' intrude from time to time. The science fiction non-profit I belong to recently had its annual convention, and for the week preceding, I pretty much lived on granola bars and diet colas as I tried to handle all the million details that needed to get done. The weekend convention passed, and you would think I would be able to get back to my writing. Didn't happen. More details to tidy up, plus a trip to plan, which meant getting the car tended, packing… If I wasn't busy with any of that, I was too tired to do anything but play mindless games. Finally, the convention is done, the driving done, and the vacation has begun.

Now can I get back to writing? I hope so. All those friends in my head have begun to think I've forgotten them. Ha! Like that could happen! See ya next week. Trudy

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