Friday, October 4, 2024

Mysterious Monolith

On the Mediterranean island of Cyprus, archaeologists have unearthed a temple believed to be 4,000 years old, which features a mysterious monolith. The remains of the sacred space were identified at the archaeological site of Erimi.

The prehistoric settlement of Erimi is located in south-central Cyprus more than 300 feet above sea level, on a limestone terrace. Cyprus is located in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, and serves as a crossroads between Europe, Africa and Asia.

Around 2000-1600 BC, in what’s known as the Middle Bronze Age, a community settled on the Erimi hill. In this Bronze Age community, scientists discovered a room in which they found a monolith measuring more than 7 feet in height. The monolith is completely smooth and features a motif in the center.

The monolith, which had stood in the center of the room, had collapsed onto the floor and destroyed a large amphora placed at its feet. An amphora is a type of container with a pointed bottom. Its characteristic form dates back to prehistoric times.

Peculiarities of this room indicate it is a sacred space. It is believed that the activity that supported the community economically also involved its members ideologically and symbolically. This small sacred space in Erimi is the oldest example known on the island.

I wish the article had included a rendering of the motif on the monolith. It’s always exciting to get a glimpse of what was considered important and special to people from another age.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Hidden Secret Temple

Since 1830, archaeologist knew about the 120 tombs on a hill side in Tuscany, Italy. The tombs dated to the 7th to 6th centuries BC. But only recently did they discover in the same area an ancient temple of a cult.

The temple was part of the ancient Etruscan necropolis of Sasso Pinzuto. It includes plenty of artifacts, such as clay tablets that give details about the funerary rituals of the time, some of which may have lasted for centuries.

Known as an oikos—a house of the deity—the temple provides a window into the architecture of the ritual sites of the day. It includes a transverse atrium and 3 rooms oriented north-northeast.

Since the 1830s, researchers have found about 120 chamber tombs. Three mounds contain the bulk of the burials. North of the largest mound, they found 9 small pits dug for additional burials. It was near these pits that the temple was discovered. Experts believe the site was for Etruscan elites.

The architecture of the burial grounds shows the style of ancient tombs, with chambers dug into rock, divided into rooms that could be used for multiple generations of the same family.

Archaeologists also found information that helps depict what happened inside the temple. Decorated clay slabs show ceremonies chronicling everything from the use of horsemen and chariots to the purpose of dancers and musicians during banquets.

They also found the remains of clay and metal furnishings in the temple that appear to have been in use at the time.

Now, as I remember it, the Etruscans were around before the Romans appeared. But at the time I heard about them (many long years ago), there wasn’t much known about them, so I was excited to see this article.